

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第五十期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first研究论文,主题涵盖夜间城市的治理、斯德哥尔摩的城市转型及其综合规划、温哥华的住房市场与增长生态、墨西哥历史文化地区的绅士化现象,以及新西兰奥克兰特色区的保护政策与房地产发展欢迎阅读。


Governing the night-time city: The rise of night mayors as a new form of urban governance after dark


Andreina Seijas(哈佛大学,美国)

Mirik Milan Gelders(VibeLab,荷兰)



The urban night has traditionally been a regimented space characterised by strict policing and surveillance. Early research on the night-time economy documented the expansion of nightlife from a centrepiece of culture-led redevelopment strategies in post-industrial cities, to the introduction of a broad governance apparatus to manage the agglomeration of night-time activity. Over the past two decades, a new actor has emerged: more than 40 cities have appointed night mayors or individuals responsible for maintaining nocturnal vibrancy, while mediating between those who wish to work, party or sleep. This article summarises the results of a qualitative study that gathered information on the origins, propagation and geographic variations in the role to provide a first comprehensive look at this position. Data from 35 night mayors and night-time advocacy organisations from around the world revealed that, though cities differ greatly in their approach towards night-time infrastructure and regulation, there seems to be growing consensus on the need for permanent nocturnal governance structures. By encouraging greater dialogue and experimentation, these structures are challenging traditional approaches to urban governance and paving the way for a new wave of studies on the urban night.




nightlife, night mayor, planning, urban governance, urban night

夜生活, 夜间市长, 规划, 城市治理, 夜间城市



The city that the metro system built: Urban transformations and modalities of integrated planning in Stockholm


Alexander Paulsson(隆德大学,瑞典)



This paper investigates how housing and public transport planning in Stockholm has been integrated during the past 20 years through multi-level collaboration. Drawing upon how Stockholm has been portrayed in the literature on transit-oriented development (TOD), that is, as a successful case of integrated land use, housing and public transport planning, this paper suggests that multi-level collaboration in Stockholm’s urban transformations has had its own challenges related to de-integration and reintegration. By including an exploration of the development of the metro system since the 1960s and onwards, the more recent processes of de-integration and reintegration emerge as endemic but often marginalised aspects of achieving TOD-like urban development. The paper contributes to previous studies by proposing three modalities of integration: (1) de-integration by agreement, (2) integration by collaboration, and (3) reintegration by intervention. These modes are not evaluative but should rather be used as a point of departure for future studies empirically investigating how integrated planning is achieved in contexts where transit-oriented development is contingent on multi-level collaboration.




transit-oriented development, integrated planning, multi-level collaboration, public transport, Stockholm

公共交通导向型开发, 综合规划, 多层次协作, 公交, 斯德哥尔摩




A regional growth ecology, a great wall of capital and a metropolitan housing market


David Ley(英属哥伦比亚大学,加拿大)



In a narrative framed by Harvey Molotch’s growth machine thesis, this article examines the globalisation of property in gateway cities, and its contribution to house price inflation in Vancouver, the least affordable market in North America. In response to a floundering British Columbia (BC) economy, a favourable investment and immigration climate welcomed capital and invited capitalists to re-locate their economic skills. Substantial funds flowed to Vancouver from the buoyant Asia Pacific, from distant investors and wealthy immigrants. Capital flows were facilitated by a powerful growth coalition, as the provincial government benefited significantly from these funds, and held a common interest with a vigorous trans-Pacific property industry. Supporting this growth coalition, the deregulation of private institutions and the under-resourcing of public agencies working in the capital/real estate nexus provided an ecology favourable to the ‘animal spirits’ of the market, including real estate opportunism and money laundering. Such a growth ecology, exacerbating severe unaffordability, may exist in other globally networked cities, though relations are rarely so well developed and so powerful in their effects.


本文的论述以哈维•莫洛奇(Harvey Molotch)的增长机器理论为框架,探讨门户城市的房地产全球化,及其对温哥华这一房价最超负担能力的北美市场房价上涨的贡献。为了应对苦苦挣扎的不列颠哥伦比亚省经济状况,该省营造了有利的投资和移民环境,欢迎资本的到来并鼓励资本家带着其经济技能前来。大量资金从繁荣的亚太地区、遥远的投资者和富裕的移民流向温哥华。强大的增长联盟促进了资本流动,省政府从这些资金中受益匪浅,并与蓬勃发展的跨太平洋房地产业有着共同利益。对私人机构的放松管制、以及在资本/房地产关系中工作的公共机构资源不足导致了一个鼓励市场“动物精神”的生态环境(包括房地产投机和洗钱),支持着这一增长联盟。这种增长生态进一步加剧了本已严重的房价超负担能力。其也可能存在于其他全球网络内的城市中,尽管此等关系很少如此成熟,影响如此强大。

deregulation, growth machine, unaffordable housing, Vancouver, globalisation of property

关键词放松管制, 增长机器, 房价超负担能力, 温哥华, 房地产全球化




Foreigners as gentrifiers and tourists in a Mexican historic district


David Navarrete Escobedo(瓜纳华托大学,墨西哥)首次出版时间:2020/1/29|研究论文


Transnational gentrification has become a key element of urban and sociocultural transformations in several Latin American countries. New urban policies and transnational real estate markets adapt the city in order to respond to the expectations of transnational middle classes. This paper explores the case of San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. Methodologically, it adopts a qualitative approach and analyses two of the most important manifestations of transnational gentrification: lifestyle migration and luxury tourism. Historical files on protected buildings in San Miguel de Allende’s historic centre were used to observe functional alterations. This is supplemented with other statistical data (including the spatial pattern of Airbnb rentals) and direct observations of public spaces. I propose that transnational gentrification leads to a heritage-led transnationalisation of real estate, evidenced by luxury housing, boutique hotels, art galleries and other high culture spaces that cater to higher-income lifestyle migrants and tourists. As a result, the new class of owners and users changes the place’s identity, which has implications for lower-income groups’ right to the city. The process in San Miguel de Allende is analogous to processes in cities such as London, New York or Paris, where notions of heritage urbanism have also helped transnationalise local real estate markets. However, it also evinces other processes that are more difficult to appreciate in the Global North (growing rent gaps, real estate companies’ aggressive pursuit of gentrification and deep historical inequalities that are exacerbated by heritage-led gentrification).


跨国绅士化已经成为几个拉丁美洲国家城市和社会文化变革的一个关键因素。新的城市政策和跨国房地产市场使城市适应跨国中产阶级的期望。本文探讨了墨西哥圣米格尔德阿连德(San Miguel de Allende)的案例。在方法上,本文采用定性方法,分析了跨国绅士化的两个最重要的表现形式:生活方式迁移和奢华旅游。圣米格尔德阿连德历史中心受保护建筑的历史档案被用来观察功能的改变。此外还有其他统计数据(包括爱彼迎租赁的空间规律)和对公共空间的直接观察。我认为,跨国绅士化导致文化遗产主导的房地产跨国化,豪华住宅、精品酒店、美术馆和其他迎合高收入生活方式移民和游客的高文化空间就是明证。结果,新的所有者和使用者阶层改变了地方的身份,从而影响低收入群体对城市的权利。圣米格尔德阿连德的过程类似于伦敦、纽约或巴黎等城市的过程,在这些城市,文化遗产城市化的理念推动了当地房地产市场的跨国化。然而,本文还显示了在全球北方更难以理解的其他过程,例如租金差距日益扩大,房地产公司积极追求绅士化,以及历史上根深蒂固的不平等因文化遗产主导的绅士化而加剧。

Keywords gentrification, heritage, Latin America, migration, tourism
关键词绅士化, 文化遗产, 拉丁美洲, 移民, 旅游业




What’s so special about character?


Mario A. Fernandez(奥克兰议会,新西兰)

Shane L. Martin(奥克兰议会,新西兰)



Special Character Areas (SCAs) in Auckland, New Zealand, are areas with distinctive aesthetic, physical and visual qualities. Preservation policies entail controls on the design and appearance of new buildings, and on demolition, additions and alterations to existing buildings. To promote densification of the city, the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) removed SCA preservation rules in certain areas. This article assesses the trade-off between SCA preservation and housing development. We employ hedonic prices models to about 85,000 sale transactions between 2012 and 2016 and find that in 2012, the SCA price premium was 11.4% whereas the premium on upzoned properties (those with increased development allowances under the AUP) was zero. Over time, the SCA premium decreases, and by 2016 it was down to about 4.3%. At the same time, upzoning premiums increased to about 5% in 2016. These results reveal a demand shift from the protections of SCA towards flexibility on the development options of land.



Keywords built environment, economic processes, land use, planning, policy, special character areas, substitutability

关键词建筑环境, 经济过程, 土地使用, 规划, 政策, 特色区域, 可替代性



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